Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ted Cruz Against Immigration Reform Blog 4

According to an article written by Ben Sherman, published on the Burn Orange Report, Ted Cruz Attends Immigration Rally Hosted by Proud Racist, Ted Cruz is railed against the immigration reform. Ted Cruz is going from state to state talking to people face to face trying to get his name out there as he is seeking the republican votes in the primaries to be able to run for president. It is not a surprise that Cruz is against immigration reform as he is a member of the Republican Party. The Republican Party is mostly white Anglos with a majority of strong conservatives. If he wants to win next year’s presidential elections he might need to consider changing his point of view towards immigrants.

There was a very offensive quote from the crow that compares immigrants to donkeys’ DNA and Americans to race horses’ DNA. These comparisons get immigrants or supporters of the immigration reform to not support this candidate. Ted Cruz might not be the one who said that comparison but if he keeps getting involved and going to events that comfort racism, he will not have a good chance of becoming the future president of the United States.

The author of this article is trying to target white Anglo Republicans who do not support the immigration reform because they only see some of the great founders of America like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Smith, etc., but not the immigrants of today who are reconstructing this country out of the recession. Because this article uses quotes from the crow, it is a very credible argument causing Ted Cruz to lose support.

This article is poorly written, as it only talks about one “opps” moment of Ted Cruz. However, it is a good report since it helps the citizens to be informed and allows them to make a decision as to whom they may want to vote for. Immigrants are not donkeys; they just have different morals. I support immigration reform because this country was built by immigrants and because nobody with a high income wants to clean their own toilet and mow their own grass on Sunday afternoon.

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