Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Blog 8 Perry's Problems

“3 Peat: Perry’s Political Problems” is the title of the article written by a fellow classmate, Natasha Ahmed. Her article is a well-written article, however, I think that it  only shows her point of view. With that being said, I think she fails to explain a few things like the silver lining. She explains it as something that he was just given when in reality I believe that he earned it.
I think Governor Rick Perry earned his way to the governorship. He has governed Texas in moments of recession and managed to make a growing economy compared to other states and even the nation’s economy. It is true that the governor has committed some errors, but name a leader that has never committed an error. Only God is perfect, every human being I know has imperfections. I think that her use of words, font and colors are well put together to make the reader understand that she cares very little about the governor.
I am a student at Texas A&M University and I consider myself a conservative, I am a member of the Corps of Cadets and a member of the Ross Volunteers, which are the honor guards of the Texas Governor. I have meet Governor Rick Perry in person and I have talked to him. I am no one to judge him, but I think he is a great person and leader. However, this is my opinion. I believe that many of the Texas citizens think like me because he has been re-elected 3 times. At the same time, I think many of Texans think like her and are ready for a change.

Whatever the case may be, I think the state is not doing so bad, and hopefully the change will make it better. With all of this I love Natasha Ahmed’s article because it is a good way to know the other side of the story.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Blog# 7 Texas State and Local Govt

Perhaps I might have been wrong about my comments about how the media and the protesters are affecting Texas state and local government. Or even worse I could have been wrong by accusing the protesters of being illiterate that don’t like to research anything before making an argument that they think is credible. Whatever the reason might have been I wrote that blog with a little anger.  
As a Hispanic, with a large family I experience some sort of illiteracy first handed. Just like the textbook said, Hispanics immigrate to Texas and with them they bring their political ideology. Many of my family members are Democrats and many are extremely liberal. They are involved in many of those protests that are happening in the capital. The reason why this is important to me is because my family sees the news and they believe the media’s point of view. They see those people protesting with posters and they think those are the true facts when in fact they are not.  
The Spanish speaking news are mostly Democratic Liberals and they affect Texas state and local government because they don’t question what they hear on the news even though it is bias. Many Hispanics watch the protesters on the news and they think that the local government is being unfair sometimes. One example is the topic of abortion, it is hard to believe that Hispanics think abortion is a good thing, because we come from strong catholic beliefs, however many Hispanics protested against the SB1 and HB2. They wanted the government to let them choose where they wanted to do their abortions. On the other hand they were in favor of the government taking away our guns or putting more strict regulations on our firearms.  
It’s hard to believe what education will do and how it changes your points of view. When I comment on Hispanics I talk from the majority of Hispanics I have a relationship with, and I am not trying to talk about everyone, just the ones I know. In Texas, Hispanics are increasing in population and soon they will influence the Texas state and local government more than what they are doing now.

Guns in Texas

Rick Perry tries to bring Guns to Texas”, an article written by Wes Davis, a fellow classmate of government 2306. Davis’ commentary of how two states, Connecticut and New York, both states with the largest gun manufactures in the United States have passed stricter laws on guns after the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary incident.  
Davis said that governor Rick Perry has been in contact with the gun manufactures to try to convince them to bring their business to Texas where the gun regulations are not that strict. On his blog he uses points that come from the textbook like Texas has always been “pro-Texas business,” and how governor Rick Perry is trying to uphold this notion. This is a good point as he uses credible information to clarified Rick Perry’s thinking, as he wants to bring the gun manufacturing business to Texas.  
However, I think I sort of disagree and agree with my fellow classmate, as he said, whatever the reason maybe, any new business in Texas can’t be a bad thing? The reason why I disagree is because bringing new business to Texas will create lots of jobs and will help boost the economy and here is where I agree with Davis as he also thinks that it will be a good economic standpoint. I know that guns always create a controversial talk, even though that is the case I believe that Texas will make the perfect candidate for the guns manufactures to bring their business to. Nonetheless I can be wrong, whatever the results maybe, Wes Davis wrote an outstanding commentary of this case by staying neutral and allowing the readers to make their own questions about the case.